
Category: Business Building


Having the Right Team makes for Better Business

Have you ever felt like that special “something” is missing? Having the right people in the right positions can make your business better and lead to growth. Just like in a recipe, the ingredients must blend together to make a delicious meal (product). It is essential in business that each person is placed in the…
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12 Ways to be Productive with Stress Free Calendar Management

Do you ever find yourself running from place to place or from call to call? Here are 12 ways to keep yourself sane in the midst of your calendar: View your calendar by the week instead of the month. This allows you to view and focus on the upcoming week. Viewing by the month doesn’t…
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Do What You Love

Do You Love Your Job? Learn Why It Will Help You Reach Your Potential.

Did you know that January is recognized as “Reach Your Potential Month?” A key factor that might affect you “Reaching Your Potential” could be if you are happy at work and love what you do. When you find your work enjoyable, it can boost your overall productivity and enhance your performance. People who find satisfaction…
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Churches Merging

Church Mergers and the 5 Key Components to their Success

Since September 2021, PMSpecialist has been the project manager for a client working on a church merger. There are many different components involved in a merger. As the project manager, we are tasked with making sure everything works together to reach the desired outcome. Today, we are going to talk about five components and the…
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There is Beauty in the Struggle

The Struggle is Real – It’s Time to Look to 2022 and Set Your Goals

This year has been a struggle for a lot of small businesses and while the struggle is still very real, let’s choose to focus on things we are thankful for and our focus for the future! Our business has slowed down this year in comparison to previous years. This has allowed us to focus on…
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Like a Boss

How Being Called “Bossy” Put Me On A Career Path I Love!

What is the state of your business? Are you organized? Are your projects getting done? Is your team doing what they are supposed to be doing and when? Are you feeling fulfilled in your business? My nickname is “Bossy”. Growing up, I was one of seven siblings. When mom and dad went to work, we…
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Technology to-do list

Technology is Necessary for Small Businesses!

In recognition of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’d like to share a quick tech interview with Daniel DellaPosta Jr. with Tradeweb, Inc. Daniel DellaPosta Jr. and the team at TradeWeb, Inc. have been serving business IT needs in Central Florida and beyond for over twenty years. As A Microsoft Certified Partner with a Silver Competency…
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Reach Your Goals

7 Interesting and Easy Tips to Help You Reach Your Goals

It’s nearly here, the 4th Quarter of 2021. Have to set your goals to end the year strong? No? That’s ok, you can set goals anytime. There is no magic time or day required. Pick a day to start, make your plan, and make it happen! In a previous blog post, How to Create SMART…
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Janine Heydrick

Professional Development is Important for Everyone. What Are Your Goals?

Have you ever had the feeling that something was missing in your life/business? I have. In the corporate world, I was told to “grow” or “go”. Since I had a high school diploma, “grow” for me meant I had to work towards obtaining a college degree. It was a difficult decision. I was a single…
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dog chasing squirrel

Squirrel! Chasing an Opportunity!

How do you chase opportunities? Do you wait for them to come to you, or do you chase them full speed ahead? What determines an opportunity standard for you? I have a dog who loves to chase squirrels. I live in a rural area so there are a lot of trees. I’m not sure why,…
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