How Are Your Communication Skills Working For You?

Communication is the “key” to every aspect of life. One cannot assume that others know what they are thinking. The only way to make sure your idea is clearly understood by others is to make sure it is clearly communicated. When you assume that someone knows your thoughts then you are setting yourself up for failure or perhaps being a costly mistake in the business world.
It is imperative that you communicate your goals and ideas on every project/assignment that your team has been given. If your goals and ideas change during the assignment then you must communicate these changes to your team members so you are all striving for the same goal.
Have you ever had a supervisor assign you a project with certain guidelines? The project is progressing nicely and then the deadline changes. You receive an email from your supervisor giving you the new guidelines but it is not clearly stated. You interpret the new instructions one way, but your supervisor was needing it done differently. You push forward to the completion of the project based on your understanding. When your supervisor asks for an update that is when you realize the new guidelines you received was not specific enough and you have done work that was not required as well as lost precious time when you didn’t have the time to waste. When you are given information and it is not specific then you should ALWAYS ask questions so time or effort is not wasted.
Once your goals and ideas are clear to your team members then you are all working together with no confusion to block success. So in other words, Communication leads to Success!