3 Steps to Eliminate Rework

When delegating work, how good are you at providing your specific details and requirements before handing off the project?
The clients want their work done. We understand and we certainly do not mind doing it. It gives us pleasure to have a satisfied client.
As a team of Virtual Solutions, here is an example of what we see quite often.
A client gives us a project that needs to be done as quickly as possible. Requirements are to format, and proof for spelling and grammar. The project completed and sent back to client. The client likes the work, however they decided to have the work put into a template format. Now we have to create the template, then transfer data into the template. This is rework because if we knew the client wanted a template at the start of the project, we could have saved the client time and money!
Here are 3 steps to eliminate rework, both in your business and personal lives:
- You know what you want. Write down clear and concise instructions.
- Review the instructions to make sure it details what you envision. Too often when writing it down, we think something, however it is not clearly defined.
- Give instructions and ask what more do they need to complete the work/assignment.
Applying these three steps to eliminate rework to your business will save time and money. In your personal life, it will give you more time with a stress-free life! Now, try it and let us know how it works for you!