Is Now the Time to Embrace Opportunity?

I have had dogs most of my life. Currently, I have a few Great Danes, and old Black Mouth Cur hunting dog, two “hand-me-downs” (a Chiweenie and an Olde English Bulldog), and Great Pyrenees’.
Our Pyrs (as we call them) are not couch potatoes. In fact, they do not like coming inside at all. Even when we bring them inside due to severe storms, they are miserable until it is time to go back outside again. We got the Pyrs when we lost all our geese, ducks, and some chickens to foxes and coyotes. They have a job to do and it is to protect the livestock we have here. If the Pyrs are not doing their job, they are worried about the well-being of their fur and feather family.
How well do you respond when someone takes you out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to learn something new? Or how about are you willing to change your ways? Yep, I said the word “change”! Who likes change? What if we switched it around and instead of saying, “It is time for a change!”, we say, “It is time for an opportunity!” Do you cringe less ?????
When we allow opportunities in our lives, we offer more to our clients. More value. More assistance. More recommendations. You name it! All of which will help you grow in your relationships with one another, both as a team and as your client base grows.
In this past year, we have all had to welcome change into our lives with COVID-19. No matter what your stance is on it, we all have had to adjust in some way. Whether it was required to now wear a mask when going shopping in the stores to no more in-person meetings, they all have to be done either via phone call or an online video conferencing program. Allowing ourselves to embrace the opportunity to “train” ourselves in using an online conferencing program allows us to continue to show our personalities to whoever’s on the other end of the camera and to also allow our calendars to open up to manage additional clients because we no longer have to account for travel time going from appointment to appointment. Once we have trained ourselves to use these conferencing programs, it is not so bad ????! We can also continue to use them in our business once the mandates are over.
So – are you like the Pyrs? “Let me just do my job!” or are you someone who embraces the opportunity to learn and implement new things?
Please click here to schedule a consultation so we can help get you on the right track! Let us help you create new opportunities in your business by making sure you can reach all of your clients, whether in person or virtually.