Squirrel! Chasing an Opportunity!

How do you chase opportunities? Do you wait for them to come to you, or do you chase them full speed ahead? What determines an opportunity standard for you?
I have a dog who loves to chase squirrels. I live in a rural area so there are a lot of trees. I’m not sure why, but one particular squirrel insists on frequenting a tree in my yard and looking for nuts.
I try to be on the lookout for the little guy when I let the dogs out. I’ll first let the dogs that don’t really care about him out, so he has a chance to get up the tree before the Chaser appears. She heads straight for the tree and will look around it and even looks up it, seeking her opportunity.
When you are “chasing” opportunities, do you set specific standards they should meet? If those standards are not met, let them climb that tree. Just because someone tells you they have an opportunity for you, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a viable option for you or your business.
Most people have a set of standards for themselves, personal and business. So why shouldn’t you have standards for evaluating opportunities? Ones that help determine if a particular opportunity is right for you?
Some examples could be:
- Bring higher-paying clients.
- Increased revenue.
- Improved professional development.
- Tangible items to help build your business.
Set yourself apart from the rest. Be a high achiever by having standards and not chasing every opportunity that comes your way. We at PMSpecialist are happy to help you chase your opportunities. To learn more about how we can help you grow your business, schedule a consultation today.